vanity pressings, demos, song-poem albums, souvenir records, samplers, outsider music,
exploitation labels, gospel / religious albums, specialty albums, children’s records,
night club / lounge act albums, organ music, high school musicals,
and any other unique & curious stuff I dig up

Jan 22, 2014

Dora Hall - Imagine That

Dora Hall
Artist: Dora Hall
Album: Songs from the TV Special "Imagine That"
Released: ?
Label: Premore, Inc. - Chicago, IL

"Dr. Sniffle Swiper"


Anonymous said...

This was distributed in approximately 1990. Our son, now early 30s, watched this over and over when he was 4-5 years old. Became quite annoying after awhile haha. This was apparently created by Solo cup company as an advertisement tool according to my research tonight. We still have the VHS.

Anonymous said...

According to a website page for singer Dora Hall,, “Imagine That” recordings were published in 1971 and I’m guessing the VHS tape may have been distributed around 1990. Hall was the wife of the founder of the Solo Cup Company, which explains the distribution of this by Solo. The production company Premore, Inc, was a subsidiary of Solo. Hope this is of interest.