vanity pressings, demos, song-poem albums, souvenir records, samplers, outsider music,
exploitation labels, gospel / religious albums, specialty albums, children’s records,
night club / lounge act albums, organ music, high school musicals,
and any other unique & curious stuff I dig up

May 18, 2009

Celeste Dagenhart - The Word In My Life

Celeste Dagenhart
Artist: Celeste Dagenhart - Chantilly, VA
Album: The Word In My Life
Released: ?
Studio: Mark V Studios - Greenville, SC


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was viewing this website and came across this album by Celeste Dagenhart! I knew someone who looks exactly like her and we met in Falls Church VA back in the 70's. She has a son named Jeffrey. She was married to a man in the military. We lived in the same apartment building. My name is Vicenta Pimentel (Van Driel, now) and my son is Vincent Pimentel. She was talented then and we heard her sing at an Espiscopalian Church, operatic and so beautiful! Are you the same person I knew back then? I'm on facebook under V Van Driel and email is Please let me know. I knew you would continue with your singing! V